Listening In

Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring is...

...enjoying the flowers that other people look after.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Saucer across the universe in style

9th April 2009

Item: Traditional Japanese flying saucer. Made almost entirely of paper, string and bamboo - organic, biodegradable materials that won't alarm natives on technologically backward planets. Track record in reaching warp speeds spotty but manufacturer claims it's about the journey, not how many light years you take to get there. Optional extras include karaoke-cum-tea-ceremony room and hot springs bath. See your dealer for details.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

They're coming through the walls, they're coming through the walls...

1st April 2009

There's a Japanese saying that all men are wolves. I spotted one in Gion, the most well-known geisha area in Kyoto. I'm not sure this is what Neil Gaiman had in mind but it was a wolf in the wall.