Listening In

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Land of the small and cute

19th November 2009

As I left a mall today, a man was wheeling his bike out to the road. In the child seat was a little girl in pink.

Our eyes met. Large eyes, rosy cheeks, runny nose. I smiled. Most toddlers take a little time to consider you - animal, vegetable or mineral? - before deciding whether or not to smile back but this kid just grinned.

Her father wheeled her away. In the front basket was stuffed a new pillow wrapped in plastic. It was as big as she was.

My smile lasted all the way to the supermarket, where I had to put it away because if you smile for no apparent reason, people look at you funny.

Though I bet they wouldn't if I had rosy cheeks and a runny nose and was no bigger than a pillow.

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